Deadline: 26 December 2021
We are currently accepting submissions for our February-March 2022 print issue, in which authors will critically discuss The Road to 2023: Nigeria’s Changing Political Landscape. The year of Nigeria’s next presidential election, 2023 is a significant year for at least three reasons: first, it will mark the end of the Muhammadu Buhari administration, which invites discussion about Buhari’s presidential legacy. Second, the All Progressives Congress (APC) will face perhaps their biggest test yet as Nigeria’s ruling political party: continuity. Will the APC maintain its stronghold? Where does the party rank today at national and sub-national levels in comparison to other political parties, especially the People’s Democratic Party (PDP)? Finally, as Nigeria grapples with uncertainties particularly in the areas of economic growth and national security, the debate on Nigeria’s governance continues to veer towards restructuring. Will 2023 be the year we see traction on the restructuring front? For the next administration what will be the key national and sub-national priorities?
In publishing this issue, we aim to deep dive into Nigeria’s dynamic and rapidly evolving political landscape. We welcome submissions that will cover under-discussed and underreported aspects of Nigerian politics, especially in marking a close to the Buhari administration and ahead of the 2023 elections. We especially welcome writing that will offer new perspectives will move the conversation on Nigeria and the Buhari government forward on any of the following topics:
⎈The Rise (and Fall?) of Muhammadu Buhari (An in-depth profile on Buhari’s political rise and legacy.)
⎈The Buhari Administration: achievements, contradictions and failings in key areas: economy, security, health/COVID-19, human rights; engagement with women, youth and underrepresented groups.
⎈Nigeria’s evolving political party landscape: emergent and key players, alliances, challenges, cultures, opportunities.
⎈ The historical emergence and evolution of APC: ideology, growth, what next?
⎈ United Nigeria? (The debate on restructuring.)
⎈Nigeria Post-2023: key national and sub-national priorities.
⎈ Other topics relevant to Nigerian political history, political parties and the 2023 elections.
We are looking for analytical and engaging essays, lectures, speeches, reading lists and book reviews that, without sacrificing analytical rigour, can serve as authoritative/definitive subject-matter guides to both scholars and professionals that may have limited knowledge on the issue.
We expect submissions in the range of 1,500 to 3,500 words and will be accepting first drafts until 23:59 (WAT) Sunday 26 December 2021.
Authors of accepted submissions to this issue will be paid. Read our guidelines on submitting here and our style guide for details on spelling and formatting.
To submit an entry, please upload your submission here (you will need to log in or register to fill the form).